A Wavefront Sensorless Tip/Tilt Removal method for Correcting Astronomical Images

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Taghiniajelodari P
Muruganandan V
Weddell S
Clare R

Images of astronomical objects captured by groundbased telescopes are distorted due to atmospheric turbulence. The phase of aberration is traditionally estimated by wavefront sensors (WFS). This information is utilised by deformable mirror through control system to restore the image. However, in this paper, we utilise wavefront sensorless (WFSL) methods in which wavefront sensor is absent. As largest share of atmospheric turbulence energy is contained in 2-axial tilt for small aperture telescopes, we use WFSL to specifically remove these two modes. This method is shown to be efficient in terms of both speed and accuracy.

Taghiniajelodari P, Muruganandan V, Weddell S, Clare R (2021). A Wavefront Sensorless Tip/Tilt Removal method for Correcting Astronomical Images. Wellington, New Zealand: Image and Vision Conference New Zealand (IVCNZ). 25/11/2020-27/11/2020. IEEE Xplore.
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Ngā upoko tukutuku/Māori subject headings
ANZSRC fields of research
Field of Research::02 - Physical Sciences::0201 - Astronomical and Space Sciences::020102 - Astronomical and Space Instrumentation
Field of Research::08 - Information and Computing Sciences::0801 - Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing::080106 - Image Processing
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