‘Wicked’ solutions for ‘wicked’ problems: Responsible innovations in social enterprises for sustainable development

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Journal Article
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Ranabahu, N.

Social enterprises create innovative solutions to address social issues and achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs). This paper examines the innovative social entrepreneurial processes using the theoretical foundation of responsible innovation (i.e., anticipation, reflexivity, inclusion and deliberation, responsiveness, and knowledge management). The data collected from three case study organisations reveals that social enterprises at the initiation stage address only a few SDGs. However, innovation development and implementation processes lead to products and services diversification and geographical expansion which broaden the SDG focus. During this process, enterprises iteratively conduct activities associated with different dimensions of responsible innovation and operate within ethics, values, and rights-based boundaries. Based on these findings, this paper proposes a process model combining SDG literature with responsible innovation. The managerial implications of using responsible innovation perspective to achieve SDGs are also highlighted.

Ranabahu N (2020). ‘Wicked’ solutions for ‘wicked’ problems: Responsible innovations in social enterprises for sustainable development. Journal of Management and Organization.
Responsible innovation, sustainable development goals, social enterprises, social challenges
Ngā upoko tukutuku/Māori subject headings
ANZSRC fields of research
1303 Specialist Studies in Education
1503 Business and Management
1505 Marketing
Fields of Research::35 - Commerce, management, tourism and services::3507 - Strategy, management and organisational behaviour::350702 - Corporate social responsibility
Fields of Research::35 - Commerce, management, tourism and services::3507 - Strategy, management and organisational behaviour::350704 - Entrepreneurship
Fields of Research::35 - Commerce, management, tourism and services::3507 - Strategy, management and organisational behaviour::350705 - Innovation management
Fields of Research::44 - Human society::4404 - Development studies::440407 - Socio-economic development
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