Where has all the physical education gone? Results of a generalist primary schools teachers' survey on teaching physical education

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Conference Contributions - Published
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University of Canterbury. School of Educational Studies and Human Development
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Cowley, V.
Hamlin, M.J.
Grimley, M.

Concerns about low levels of children’s physical activity and motor skill development, prompted the Ministry of Education to trial a physical activity pilot project (PAPP) in 16 New Zealand primary schools. The project comprised professional development and training in physical education for lead teachers and introduced four physical activity coordinators to liaise with and increase physical activity opportunities in the pilot schools. A survey of generalist teachers (128 baseline, 155 post-intervention) from these schools looked at timetabled physical activity sessions and issues related to teaching physical education. The authors calculated means and standard deviations of data relating to timetabled PE sessions and used a one-way analysis of variance to determine significant differences. Results indicated time devoted to physical activity related subjects significantly increased over the course of the intervention. Teacher’s reported improved confidence and competence, which resulted in an improvement in quality physical education delivered more often.

Cowley, V., Hamlin, M.J., Grimley, M. (2011) Where has all the physical education gone? Results of a generalist primary schools teachers' survey on teaching physical education. Paris, France: International Conference of Physical Education and Sport Science, 24-26 Jun 2011. Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 77, 672-677.
children, physical education, primary school, teaching
Ngā upoko tukutuku/Māori subject headings
ANZSRC fields of research
Fields of Research::39 - Education::3901 - Curriculum and pedagogy::390111 - Physical education and development curriculum and pedagogy
Fields of Research::39 - Education::3903 - Education systems::390304 - Primary education