Spacetime as a membrane in higher dimensions

Type of content
Journal Article
Thesis discipline
Degree name
University of Canterbury. Physics and Astronomy
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Gibbons, G.W.
Wiltshire, D.L.

By means of a simple model we investigate the possibility that spacetime is a membrane embedded in higher dimensions. We present cosmological solutions of d-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell theory which compactify to two dimensions. These solutions are analytically continued to obtain dual solutions in which a (d−2)-dimensional Einstein spacetime “membrane” is embedded in d-dimensions. The membrane solutions generalise Melvin’s 4-dimensional flux tube solution. The flat membrane is shown to be classically stable. It is shown that there are zero mode solutions of the d-dimensional Dirac equation which are confined to a neighbourhood of the membrane and move within it like massless chiral (d − 2)-dimensional fermions. An investigation of the spectrum of scalar perturbations shows that a well-defined mass gap between the zero modes and massive modes can be obtained if there is a positive cosmological term in (d − 2) dimensions or a negative cosmological term in d dimensions.

Gibbons, G.W. and Wiltshire, D.L. (1987) Spacetime as a membrane in higher dimensions. Nuclear Physics B, 287, pp. 717-742.
Ngā upoko tukutuku/Māori subject headings
ANZSRC fields of research
Fields of Research::51 - Physical sciences::5101 - Astronomical sciences::510103 - Cosmology and extragalactic astronomy