Wood, Kim Aroha2021-09-222021-09-221991https://hdl.handle.net/10092/102516http://dx.doi.org/10.26021/11627There has long been a recognition that selecting for personality compatibility in small, isolated and confined groups may help alleviate many of the problems experienced by the groups in these environments. A few personality traits have been studied in this respect, but the number has been small. This study extends the range to a consideration of androgyny. Small groups were composed to include differing mixtures of personality and gender. They were given three different tasks to complete. No significant differences were found, though there were tendencies for some of the hypotheses concerning androgyny to be supported. Various reasons for this are suggested, the main ones being that the construct of androgyny as behavioural adaptability is not measured by current instruments, or, that high level tertiary students have "transcended" the . polarities of masculine/feminine - they may be truly behaviourally androgynous. If the latter is the case androgynous people may be the most suitable for long duration space missions rather than individuals constrained to one behavioural domain.enAll Rights ReservedSmall groups--Psychological aspects.PersonalityAndrogyny (Psychology)Personality composition in small groupsTheses / Dissertations