Wilson, Daniel2017-08-162017-08-162011http://hdl.handle.net/10092/13912The third-quarter phenomenon refers to a period of discomfort reported to occur during the thirdquarter of fixed term situations of isolation and stress (Bechtel and Berning, 1990). In the present review Bechtel and Berning’s (1990) original definition of the third-quarter phenomenon is explained and subsequent research is discussed with conclusions examining the extent to which the third-quarter phenomenon can be considered apparent in Antarctic personnel. It is proposed here that the third-quarter phenomenon may be less specific than initially thought, specifically that a period of discomfort often occurs during the second half of the stay, this drop is usually confined to the third-quarter of the stay, but may persist into the final quarter. Recommendations for future research are discussed.enAll Rights ReservedThe third-quarter phenomenon in Antarctic personnelTheses / Dissertations