Wilkins, G. J.2014-08-202014-08-201937http://hdl.handle.net/10092/9527http://dx.doi.org/10.26021/7499It has long been realised that the mercuric halides, as salts, possessed remarkable properties. They are readily soluble in non-ionising solvents, have low melting points, and their solutions even in hydroxylic solvents are but feebly ionised. These peculiarities have more recently been attributed to the extreme difficulty with which the two valence electrons are lost by a mercury atom to form an ion.enCopyright G. J. WilkinsAn investigation of the heterogeneous equilibria involved in the systems (a) potassium chloride - mercuric chloride -acetone at 25 degrees C; (b)potassium chloride - mercuric chloride - ethyl alcohol at 25 degrees C; (c) mercuric chloride - acetone - water at 25 degrees C and 35 degrees CTheses / Dissertations