Weddell, S.J.Webb, R.Y.Bones, P.2012-03-062012-03-062011Weddell, S.J., Webb, R.Y., Bones, P. (2011) Simulating wide-field optical wavefront propagation through single-layer turbulence. Toronto, Canada: Imaging and Applied Optics: OSA Optics and Photonics Congress, 10-14 Jul 2011. Applications of Lasers for Sensing and Free Space Communications, Paper JMB2. wavefront propagation over a wide field-of-view was modeled on empirical data representing a single, dominant layer of atmospheric turbulence. We found the Taylor hypothesis, commonly assumed and used in simulating wavefront propagation, is not appropriate for wide-field application.enSimulating wide-field optical wavefront propagation through single-layer turbulenceConference Contributions - PublishedField of Research::09 - Engineering::0906 - Electrical and Electronic Engineering