Lin, R.Martin, P.A.Taylor, D.P.2011-07-192011-07-192010Lin, R., Martin, P.A., Taylor, D.P. (2010) Two-user Cooperative Transmission Using Superposition Modulation and Soft Information Combining. Ottawa, Canada: IEEE Vehicular Technology, Fall 2010, 6-9 Sep 2010. propose a cooperative transmission scheme for two users with one common relay using superposition modulation. It uses distributed Turbo codes (DTCs) for each user. The relay always decodes, then interleaves and re-encodes the decoded data. A new packet is formed by combining the re-encoded packets from both users using superposition modulation. This packet is forwarded to the destination with the average receive SNRs of each user. The destination uses the cooperative Turbo decoder of [1] to improve performance. Simulation results show the proposed scheme outperforms XOR based schemes and is simple to implement.en(c) 2010 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works."Two-user Cooperative Transmission Using Superposition Modulation and Soft Information CombiningConference Contributions - PublishedField of Research::09 - Engineering::0906 - Electrical and Electronic EngineeringField of Research::10 - Technology::1005 - Communications Technologies