Thompson, Nathan2008-09-052008-09-052006 developing a body of information about Hone Heke Pokai, the renowned Ngapuhi chief famed for 'chopping down the flagstaff at Kororareka', the objective of this dissertation is to examine his pictorial representations, thus identifying how they have contributed to New Zealand's national identity from 1840-2005. By creating an archive of images of Heke, it is my intention to examine the Ngapuhi leader in a new context. While paying homage to Heke, this dissertation also reinforces his significance, as conveyed by these images, to New Zealand national identity.enCopyright Nathan ThompsonHoneHekePokaiHeke te toa! How has Hone Heke Pokai, pictorially represented, contributed to the construction of New Zealand's national identity 1840-2005?Theses / Dissertations