Pointon, Olivia2017-08-172017-08-172017http://hdl.handle.net/10092/14084Contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) are a growing category of environmental contaminants. Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) are a group of compounds classified as CECs that have a growing reputation as potential dangers to organisms and the environment. A key source of PPCP contamination in Antarctica is through wastewater discharge as the treatment requirements as outlined in the Environment Protocol are minimal. This report outlines the presence of PPCPs in the Antarctic environment and some of the potential risks to biota. It then details current wastewater management systems in Antarctica and potential improvements to treatment facilities drawing on examples from the Arctic. Finally, key recommendations are briefly outlined as to future regulation of PPCPs in the Antarctic environment.enAll Rights ReservedPharmaceutical and personal care products in Antarctic wastewater effluent – impacts and regulationTheses / Dissertations