UC Institutional Research Repository Deposit Licence 10 July 2017 In order for the UC Institutional Research Repository (UC Research Repository) to store, copy, translate and distribute material deposited in it your agreement to the following terms is necessary. Please take a moment to read the terms of this deposit licence. An FAQ for this licence is available at the following address httpsintranet.canterbury.ac.nzlibrary repositoryfaq.shtml. Your rights Rights granted to the UC Institutional Research Repository through this agreement are nonexclusive. You are free to publish the work(s) in itstheir present or future version(s) elsewhere and no ownership is assumed by the repository when storing an e-print of the work(s). The UC Institutional Research Repository will not make any alteration, other than as allowed by this licence, to your work(s). Depositing with the UC Institutional Research Repository By agreeing to this licence, you (the author(s), copyright owner(s) or assignee(s)), grant a nonexclusive licence to the UC Institutional Research Repository that authorises the following a. that you are the author (or listed author), copyright holder or assignee and have authority to make this agreement, and give the UC Institutional Research Repository the right to publish the work(s) in a repository. b. that the work(s) isare original and doesdo not, to the best of your knowledge, infringe upon anyone’s copyright. c. that, where third party material appears in your work(s), you (or the lead author) have acknowledged the original author or copyright holder, andor sought permission to include the third party material as part of your own published research d. that, if the work(s) isare based on material that hashave been supported or sponsored by an agency other than the University of Canterbury, you represent that you have fulfilled any right of review or other obligations required by such contract or agreement. Permissions given to the repository The UC Institutional Research Repository shall distribute electronic copies of the work(s) for the lifetime of the repository and translate itthem as necessary to any medium or format to ensure itthey can be read by computer systems in the future. Withdrawing your work(s) You may request that the work(s) isare removed at any point in the future. Equally, the UC Institutional Research Repository reserves the right to remove the work(s) for any professional, administrative or legal reason. A metadata record indicating the work(s) waswere stored in the repository will remain visible in perpetuity. PMy DocumentsDeposit Licence 20170710.docx Page 2 of 2 Checking publishers’ copyright policies The UC Institutional Research Repository will verify the copyright policy of a work’s publisher, where copyright has been transferred by the author as part of the publishing process. Only research that has been cleared will be approved into the repository. Disclaimer While every care will be taken to preserve the eprint(s), the UC Institutional Research Repository is not liable for loss or damage to the digital object or other data while it is stored within the repository.